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Pandôo [Sepe]

massacre \ˈmæsəkə\

  1. fängö-zo}
    • "He found himself trying to analyze the events that had led up to the massacre, while his eyes studied the Gap. Why had the Texas Rangers been sent for?"Modèle:DiB-Project Gutenberg eBook


Palî [Sepe]

massacre \ˈmæsəkə\

  1. fâ zo
    • "On the very day of the insurrection of Verona some Frenchmen were assassinated between that city and Vicenza, through which I passed on the day before without danger; and scarcely had I passed through Padua, when I learned that others had been massacred there."Modèle:DiB-Project Gutenberg eBook
  2. sö benda
    • We were massacred in the final.


Yângâ tî Farânzi[Sepe]

Pandôo [Sepe]

massacre \ma.sakʁ\ linô kôlï

  1. fängö-zo
