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fledgling \ˈflɛdʒ.lɪŋ\

  1. finî
    • As a young, fledgling democracy in the 1950s, Germany embraced European integration with a markedly different approach to national sovereignty than that of other large European countries. — (Keffrey J. Anderson, Regional Integration and Democracy: Expanding on the European Experience , Rowman & Littlefield, 1989., chapitre 8 (« Germany; Between Unification and Union »), lêmbëtï 171 → dîko mbëtï)
    • Their contributions to this fledgling project did not end with their acceptance of the thesis, but continued through all stages of this book’s preparation. — (Edward M. Komara (compilateur), The Dial Recordings of Charlie Parker: A Discography , Greenwood Press, collection « Discographies » no 76, 1998., page XI → dîko mbëtï)
    • The Dutch played a pivotal role in the fledgling industry. Their ships carried sugar from the colonies to Amsterdam for refining, and to markets in northern Europe. — (Andrea Stuart, Sugar in the Blood: A Family’s Story of Slavery and Empire , Alfred A. Knopf, 2013., lêmbëtï 63 → dîko mbëtï)
    • It was late in the summer of 1619 that a ship bearing “not any thing but 20 and odd Negroes” docked at the fledgling port of Point Comfort, Virginia. — (Ritu Prasad, “The awkward questions about slavery from tourists in US South” na BBC News , 2 Ngberere 2019 → dîko mbëtï)

Pandôo 2


fledgling \ˈflɛdʒ.lɪŋ\

  1. (Ndeke) kêtê ndeke
    • A fledgling is a young bird which has just developed its flight feathers (notably wings).
  2. bizüu
    • A fledgling is an immature, naïve and/or inexperienced person.