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address \ˈæd.ɹəs\ wala \ˈæd.ɹɛs\

  1. (Datokua) lindo, aderêsi
    • Create a program that reads a postal code from the user and displays the province or territory associated with it, along with whether the address is urban or rural. — (Ben Stephenson, The Python Workbook , 2nde édition, Springer, 2019, lêmbëtï 105)
  2. suatënë/süätënë
  3. töbûngbi



address \ə.ˈdɹɛs\

  1. zo bâa
    • The speaker addressed the controversial subject of remunerations.
  2. leke
    • For years, you have refused to address this long-standing problem.
  3. sâra tënë, tokua
    • She forgot to address the envelope.

