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Alöndö na Wiktionary


The bones of the arm.

bone \bəʊn\

  1. (Sêndâ-saterê) biö
    • He scuttled to the back of the cave, where he found the bone of a buck with some meat on it, and sat cracking the end merrily. — (Rudyard KiplingThe Jungle Book )
  2. (Tënë tî kubû) löndöngö (tî këngë)



bone \bəʊn\

  1. zî biö
    • They boned the meat.
  2. (Tî kamënë) bûngbi terê
    • So, did you bone her?


  • Karan, Elke, Kêtê bakarî tî Sängö: Farânzi, Angelëe na Yângâ tî Zâmani, 1st ed. , 1995 → dîko mbëtï